The Appearance of Jesus

Recently there has been a lot of renewed interest in some of Jesus' physical characteristics, specifically, His race. The Bible is unequivocally clear that Jesus became a Jewish man. Any depiction of Jesus' humanity that is non-Jewish is not historically accurate. I have always taught this.

Of equal or greater importance are some of His other physical characteristics that I believe people should seriously consider:

- Hair like white wool (Rev. 1.14)

- Eyes like a flame of fire (Dan. 10.6, Rev. 1.14)

- Arms and feet like molten bronze (Rev. 1.15, Dan. 10.6)

- Voice like the sound of tumultuous, roaring waters (Rev. 1.15, Dan. 10.6)

- Mouth with a sword coming out of it (Rev. 1.16)

- Face shining like lightning, like the sun in it's full strength (Dan 10.6, Mt. 17.2, Rev. 1.16)

Basically, Jesus glows.

This is the portrayal of Jesus that the world needs to see. So go ahead and give some thought to His human complexion, but don't stop there! He had dark skin for 33 years, but His eyes have been blazing, His face has been glowing and his voice has been roaring since before the creation of the universe. Everyone that saw Jesus like this just collapsed at the sight of Him.