Fearing Spiritual Freedom

In Mark 5 Jesus encounters a man that had potentially thousands of demons oppressing him (vs. 9). The demonized man's behavior was so disruptive that the townspeople chained him up in a graveyard outside of town.

When Jesus came across this man, He set him free from all of the demonic influence that was causing him harm. The man was now "in his right mind" (vs. 15).

You would think that the townspeople would be grateful to Jesus for this. But instead, they "became frightened" (vs. 15) and asked Jesus to leave their town (vs. 17).

The townspeople were more afraid of Jesus' power than they were afraid of the chained up demonized man in the graveyard. They could isolate and restrict the demonized man, but Jesus' power challenged their entire worldview and made them personally responsible for his bondage and/or freedom.

Don't be like the townspeople. Don't become ok with leaving people in bondage because you're too afraid of Jesus' power. Don't ask Jesus to leave your town because He makes you uncomfortable. You need Him.