Reverence Journal

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Stewarding Revival

Revivals and reformations do not begin and grow into maturity with the flip of a switch.

They begin with a small spark.

When the spark is stewarded well, it grows into a flame.

If the flame is stewarded well, it grows into a fire.

If the fire is fueled, it becomes a raging inferno.

Many potential revivals die out because they are not stewarded well when they are a tiny spark or a small flame.

Nehemiah stewarded the spark with a simple act of compassion when he heard of the distress of a small group of people in the town of his ancestors. It led to a citywide spiritual renewal, systemic reform and reconstruction.

King Josiah stewarded the spark with a simple act of repentance when someone read God’s Word to him for the first time. It led to sweeping national spiritual renewal that rid the land of altars and false religions.

The Apostles stewarded the spark with a 10 day prayer meeting. The prayer meeting resulted in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit by which all other outpourings are measured, as well as mass evangelism.

We have to learn how to steward the sparks in order to sustain revival.