David and Worship

King David's commitment to worshiping God went far beyond writing a few songs and dancing out of his clothes one time (1 Ch. 15).

Did you know that King David also created a sustainable system for 24/7 worship? He built a tabernacle (tent) dedicated to worship (1 Ch. 16), he employed 288 singers (1 Ch. 25) and 4,000 musicians to play their instruments in the tent, in shifts, around the clock. David even INVENTED the instruments himself (1 Ch. 23.5)! Out of this 24/7 worship tent came entire portions of the book of Psalms.

Israel's national decline coincided with the neglect of David's Tabernacle. But Amos prophesied that "David's booth (tent)" would be restored some day (Amos 9.11-13).

During the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15 the Apostles and Elders anticipated the fulfillment of Amos' prophecy; "I will rebuild the Tabernacle of David...so that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord" (Acts 15.16-18).

The result of unceasing worship in David's tent was the salvation of mankind. Worship in David's tent produced a missionary cry. The deeper life expressed in long hours of worship resulted in a desire for all of mankind to seek the Lord.

It's the deeper life and missions, fullness and fulfillment, and the proto-type for us today.