Reverence Journal

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Perhaps now more than any other time in the past 40-50 years, Christian's needs to be discerning. But how do we know we're being discerning and not deceived or judgemental?

1) Discernment is not vague. The Holy Spirit is not confused even if you are. Discernment is sharp and specific. If you have a vague uneasy feeling ask God to clarify it. If He doesn't, do some soul-searching and Bible-searching.

2) In between discernment and your comfort zone is a third thing called "intuition". Sometimes you can perceive that something is off just by being perceptive. This is not the spiritual gift of discernment, but it is the result of wisdom.

3) Discernment doesn't cause hate. If you find yourself getting resentful it's probably an indicator that you're just dealing with your comfort zone being violated.

4) Discernment is often confirmed by other spiritually astute people. Tactfully and gracefully investigating the perceptions of other mature believers is helpful. Avoid making accusations, just make inquiries.

5) Discernment changes our behavior. It may cause us to pray more, or differently. Maybe we start/stop doing something. True discernment should not leave our behavior unchanged.