Humanity is Part of Creation

Last year I preached at a camp in the middle of Pennsylvania. When the camp director welcomed us she said; "Sometimes you just have to get away from people and be surrounded by God's creation."

I think about the implications of this statement frequently.

I think I know what she was trying to say, that it's good to get a change of scenery for the purpose of rest, solitude and reflection.

But when she said that, this little, frustrated internal voice inside of me spoke up and said; "Aren't human beings part of God's creation? In fact, aren't human beings the pinnacle of creation, created in God's image? Haven't you learned more about God from other people than you have from a rock or some moss?"

As a city-dweller, I was frustrated. I like nature, but no tree has ever prayed for me. No rock has ever taught me the Bible. No squirrel has brought me a meal. People, created in the image of God have done all of those things and I've learned more about God as a result.

When I look at a subway car full of diverse people, I see God's creation. When I interact with the 50 families within 300 feet of my couch, I'm surrounded by God's creation. When I encounter a stranger, I meet God's creation.