Sustaining a Vibrant Spiritual Life

Recently I've been reading about six companions of the Apostle Paul that deserted him and appear to have deserted their faith in Jesus as well; Hymeneaus, Alexander, Phygelus, Hermogenes, Philetus and Demas (1-2 TImothy). Either Paul was routinely entrusting unsaved men with ministry, or these saints were not persevering. The latter seems likely to me.

These six men leave a legacy of how NOT to sustain revival.

Hymenaeus and Alexander "shipwrecked" their faith by consistently violating their consciences - denying what they knew was right and accepting what they knew was wrong - hardening their hearts to the point where they could even blaspheme without blushing. (1 Tim. 1.20)

But that's not all for Hymenaeus. He, along with Philetus had such an erroneous view of Jesus' return that they were teaching that the final resurrection of all saints had already occurred, upsetting many in the church who feared that they had missed the return of Jesus. (2 Tim. 2.17-18)

Demas simply loved worldly things too much. (2. Tim. 4.10)

Willfully living in known sin, accepting false doctrine and loving worldly things undermined the faith of these six men. If you want to sustain your own vibrant faith in Jesus you will need to avoid these three things at all costs.