Reverence Journal

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American Evangelical Syncretism

Syncretism (n.) - The replacement of the essential truths of the Gospel through the incorporation of non-Christian elements.
- Evangelical Dictionary of Theology

A.K.A - Mixing Christianity with something else, making it no longer Biblical Christianity. When Christianity is mixed with another form of spirituality it is not an accurate reflection of Biblical Christianity. I would estimate that syncretism is warned against nearly 1,000 times in the Bible.

Some people have mixed Christianity with voodoo-magic and created "Santeria". Others have mixed Christianity with Islam and created "Chrislam." Still others mix Christianity with politics to create a sort of "civil religion" or "Christian nationalism."

If a group of missionaries came right out of the New Testament and visited America they would think that we had created our own syncretistic folk-religion.

I'm beginning to wonder if large portions of American Evangelicalism are entirely syncretistic - to the point that they can't even recognize Biblical Christianity - mixing Christianity with the American Dream, or mixing Christianity with racial superiority, or mixing Christianity with political ideologies leading to Christian nationalism.

Christian nationalism creates things like "Christian flags" and waves them proudly while at the same time violating the actual teachings of Jesus.

Christian nationalism somehow thinks America now holds the same place that Israel held in the Bible - a place of divine favor.

Christian nationalism sings "The Star Spangled Banner" in church instead of at sporting events and civil ceremonies.

Christian nationalism thinks that a Christian nation needs to be established in America, ignoring the fact that Jesus has already made the CHURCH a "holy nation." (1 Peter 2.9)

Christian nationalism makes enemies of people, ignoring that the New Testament teaches that "our struggle is not against flesh and blood." (Eph. 6.12)

Christian nationalism values religious liberties over faithful witness.

Christian nationalism thinks that you can violate the obvious teachings of the Bible in the name of patriotism.

Christian nationalism would rather persecute others in the name of Christ than be persecuted themselves in the name of Christ.

Christian nationalism would rather have unity in their political party even if it causes division in the church.

Christian nationalism sees America as the "Promised Land" and not the mission field.

Christian nationalism would rather change laws through legislation than change hearts through evangelism...but not all laws! Christian nationalism creates and protects some laws that are clearly in violation of God's Word.

Christian nationalism does not make America more like Heaven, it makes America more like Hell.

Christian nationalism is NOT CHRISTIANITY! It's as off-base as Santeria, Chrislam and any other false religion. It elevates our earthly residence over our heavenly citizenship.

If you read the New Testament and it looks nothing like your Christian experience, maybe you're involved in Evangelical syncretism. If your Christian experience is barely distinguishable from other religions, maybe you're involved in Evangelical syncretism. If your Christian experience is having zero impact on the world around you, it's likely that you are involved in Evangelical syncretism. If your Christian experience has never cost you anything, I'm SURE that you're involved in Evangelical syncretism.

There is good news. Biblical Christianity is better than American Evangelical Syncretism. The journey toward a more Biblical expression of the Christian faith begins with and is sustained by repentance and belief.