Glory Follows Order

In the book of Exodus, several chapters (Ex 35-40) are dedicated to the detailed construction of the Tabernacle (Tent) of Moses. The measurements and dimensions are listed. The decorations, clothing, curtains, and more are described in great detail. But once all the meticulous work was done, a supernatural cloud filled the tent. The cloud was so dense with power that Moses couldn't even enter the tent.

There is a similar pattern when King Solomon builds the Temple out of stone and wood (2 Ch 7). After chapters and chapters of details about measurements and furniture, finally, Solomon dedicates the Temple with a prayer. At the conclusion of the prayer, fire comes down from Heaven, another glory-cloud fills the Temple and the onlookers fall on their faces in a spontaneous act of worship.

The Prophet Ezekiel had a vision of a temple and spends three entire chapters describing the temple and it's dimensions in great detail. He concludes his report by saying; "the glory of the Lord filled the house." (Ez. 43.5).

In each of these instances, glory followed order. It may have felt meticulous at the time, but faithful obedience to God's design lead to overwhelming glory. Anything we build with careful attention to God's design will be filled with glory.

Are you building a life? A marriage? A family? A business? A career? A church? Are you building according to God's design? Every corner that we cut compromises God's glory on what we're building. God has no obligation to fill the things that we build by our own design. If we want His glory, we'll need to follow His order and build based on His design.