
There's an old hymn by an urban church planter that comes to mind from time to time, even though I've never actually heard it sung - I've only read the lyrics.

The second verse goes like this:
Are you waiting for a promise,
Trusting in your God?
Though He [delay], He is coming:
Faith must learn to plod.

Then the fifth verse;
Let us plod, steadily plod,
All along the way;
Zeal my fire and hope inspire,
But plod will win the day

The hymn is called "Plod" and the author is a man named A.B. Simpson. Simpson planted and pastored a church in the Hell's Kitchen neighborhood of New York City. He would often use the word "Plod" to describe faithfulness to Jesus and the fulfillment of His mission, even in the face of difficult circumstances.

Simpson believed that; "Hours of holy exultation are necessary for hours of patient plodding, waiting and working." (Days of Heaven on Earth, Apr. 1st)

There are times in life when faithfulness to Jesus and ministry in His name feels like a grind, like just plodding along one heavy step at a time. Those seasons MUST be powered by long hours of worship and intercession if we're to remain steady and fruitful over the long haul.