Developing a Theology of Ethnicity and Race

I think that the American church needs to go further in developing a Biblical theology of ethnicity and race. Simply saying; "Racism is sin" is not adequate anymore.

Why is it sin? What are the manifestations of it? What causes it? How do we repent of it? What passages speak to it?

I, personally, don't recall ever meeting a genuine Christian that defended racism as a principle. But I've known many Christian's that have (usually unknowingly) defended racist principles.

Digging deeper into the myth of superiority/inferiority, the imago Dei (image of God), the problem of sin and Jesus's plan to redeem people of every ethnicity is necessary.

What would happen if the church began to preach the book of Romans as an epistle to a racially divided church under a government with racist policies (Google "The Edict of Claudius") instead of a "theological treatise" devoid of context?

We can do this. At this point, we MUST do this.