Limited Demons

It seems strange that some Christians have such a hard time believing that demons are; 1) subject to a demonic hierarchy, 2) limited in scope to a particular region or territory, and 3) must be addressed and confronted audibly.

Question: Where do you find evidence of territorial spirits in the Bible?
Response: Well, where do you find evidence of omnipresent demons in the Bible?

Question: Where do you find evidence of a demonic hierarchy in the Bible?
Response: Well, where do you find evidence of omnipotent demons in the Bible?

Question: Where do you find evidence that we must address demons audibly in the Bible?
Response: Well, where do you find evidence of omniscient demons in the Bible?

To deny these things requires us to believe in an all-powerful demonic force that does not have clear lines of delegated authority, all-present demons that are not created beings limited by space and time and all-knowing beings that can read our thoughts.

Demons have limits! They aren't all-powerful, so they organize. They aren't all-present, so they spread out. They aren't all-knowing, so they must hear in order to submit.

When we deny these things we empower the enemy and render ourselves ineffective in spiritual warfare. We must not view Jesus and Satan as equal powers opposing each other, but as Creator and rebellious creation, respectively.