Is God Real and Is God Good?

In order to blame God for suffering, you must first acknowledge that God exists. Therefore, you cannot blame God and remain an atheist. Atheists must blame mankind for human suffering.

An atheist may then blame religion for human suffering, but without a real founding deity what is religion but another human invention?

Once we've settled that we need someone to hold accountable for suffering and that someone is God we can put the debate about whether God is real behind us and move on to a new debate; "Is God good?"

Of course, in order to evaluate whether God is good you need some way to measure goodness. By what standard would we judge the goodness of God? Compared to human standards?

We know that God created the sunrise and that mankind has created ghettos and slums. We know that God has created the ocean and that mankind has polluted it. We know that God has created life and that mankind has taken life.

God is able to do good things without the aid or intervention of mankind. Humanity, on the other hand, is scarcely able to produce anything uplifting or beautiful without the aid of God. Point me to a beloved atheist symphony, atheist cathedral, atheist work of art or an atheistic governmental structure that does not violate human rights.

Mankind seems perfectly able to produce suffering on it's own. Mankind has not been as successful at creating beauty, order and life without inspiration from God.

So, is God good? God appears to at least be more good than humanity. If it is true that God is more good than humanity then we must measure humanities against God and not the other way around.