God is like Jesus!

When Jesus was eight days old a man named Simeon prophesied that Jesus' destiny was, in part, to "reveal the thoughts of many hearts".  Jesus spent a huge portion of his ministry exposing and then challenging people's false ideas about God.

In fact, many religious people hated having their false ideas about God challenged so much so that they conspired to have Jesus killed. The official charges brought against Jesus were not murder, theft or treason, but blasphemy.

But once Jesus exposed people's false ideas about God, He offered the correct understanding of God by perfectly demonstrating what the Father is like.

Jesus said: "I have made you known to them and will continue to make you known." (John 17.26)

The writer of Hebrews wrote: "The Son is the exact representation of [God's] being." (Heb. 1.3)

Pastor Chris Cruz has said "God is like Jesus!"

AW Tozer famously said "What comes to mind when when we think about God is the most important thing about us."

Alan Hirsch confesses that "If God is like Jesus, He's got me."

Jesus still "reveals the thoughts of many hearts", at once exposing and surfacing wrong ideas about God as well as offering a right understanding of what God is like.