Wisdom and Revelation

Often our decision making can be influenced by things like anger, anxiety, fear or worry.  It's hard to believe that any godly choices can result from any of these emotions.  What if our decision making process was free of these negative emotions and was guided by something else? 

Paul prayed for the church in Ephesus that they would have a "spirit of wisdom and revelation" (Eph. 1.17). 

Wisdom and revelation exist so that we can make decisions and choices. Revelation can be defined as "Divine Disclosure".  This refers to God directly showing or telling you what decision to make. Wisdom is "Divine Reasoning" (Bill Johnson), or the ability to use logic informed by faith to come to a conclusion.

God has equipped Christians and the church to make choices and decisions. Passivity, confusion and lack of clarity may exist for a season, and God can use those seasons to develop us, but they should not be accepted are normative to the life of the Christian or the church.

If the Holy Spirit prompted Paul to pray this prayer for the Christians in Ephesus, don't you think the Holy Spirit would provide the same thing for us today?  Do we not also need both wisdom and revelation?  Pray for and trust God for these two things and begin to reject and resist negative emotions as normative for a citizen of a Kingdom that is known for "righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit" (Rom. 14.17). 

Don't make a single decision as a result of anxiety or fear.  When a big, difficult choice is staring you in the face, pursue wisdom and revelation.