Reverence Journal

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Jesus Never Taught without using Illustrations.

This morning I was reading through Mark 3-4 and I came across a few comments by the Gospel writer regarding Jesus' teaching methodology (pedagogy).  Of course, Mark reports lots of the CONTENT of Jesus' teaching, but in these instances, Mark is commenting on the METHOD by which Jesus taught people.  

Here's what Mark said about HOW Jesus taught: 
"He [Jesus] taught them by telling many stories..." (Mk 4:2 NLT)
"Jesus used many similar stories and illustrations to teach the people as much as they could understand.  In fact, in His public ministry, He never taught without using parables..." (Mk 4:33-34 NLT)

After reading about Jesus' use of stories, illustrations, and parables I realized that I could hardly read through the teachings of Jesus for more than five minutes without coming across a story, metaphor, illustration, or parable.  

Jesus used illustrations and stories because they made the truth memorable.  I love systematic, didactic teaching.  But to memorize or internalize I need to use some sort of trick to make it stick (an acrostic, a mnemonic device, alliteration, etc.)  Stories and illustrations help the truth stick. I’m telling you the truth - if your entire sermon is just a string of facts, people will understand it, but they won’t remember it.   

Throughout human history people have used illustrations and stories to help oral/verbal societies pass things on.  In fact, Socrates opposed the development of writing because he thought it would cause people to lose the ability to focus and memorize (If only he could see Tik Tok).  Nowadays people have short attention spans and lack Biblical literacy.  Stories and illustrations will help us teach the people we serve.

Not only do illustrations help other people understand, but they show that WE understand what we are talking about.  If you've ever been stuck in a situation with kids or teens when you can't provide an illustration, you know how awkward that can be ("Do you even know what you are talking about, bro?") Illustrations demonstrate that we GET IT and they also help other people GET IT. Illustrations help establish connections and model how a principle can be applied. Illustrations take things from being hypothetical to being practical.

Please don't ever feel like it is unspiritual to use a sermon illustration.  As Mark 4:34 says, "Jesus never taught without using parables."  Think through your illustrations the same way you would think through your exposition and application.  Don't complete your sermon preparation process without identifying an illustration of the main idea.  This will help you teach like Jesus and it will help your audience understand and remember what you’ve taught.