Reverence Journal

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Trial? Tribulation? Test?

There are various types of challenges that come with following Jesus. In order to overcome those challenges it's helpful to know what type of challenge you are facing.

Tribulations are things that cause pressure and distress.

Trials are tests from God to strengthen and reveal character.

Persecution is suffering because of our faith in Jesus.

Spiritual Warfare is the result of being engaged in a battle with Satan.

This list in not mutually exclusive or exhaustive.

Each of these circumstances requires a different response.

Tribulation requires trust and rest.

Trials demand humility, honesty and faithfulness.

Persecution requires faith and a willingness to endure and/or suffer.

Spiritual Warfare requires resisting the Devil and taking authority.

If we misinterpret our hardships we will respond ineffectively. If God is testing you, what good is shouting at the Devil? If the Devil is attacking you, why would you just agree to suffer indefinitely when you can fight?

What are you going through and what is the appropriate response?