Reverence Journal

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Civil Religion and True Religion

On this 4th of July, here is my prayer for America;

That we would turn from away from civil religion and embrace true religion.

Civil religion syncretizes (blends) spirituality with patriotism. It sees government as the provider and protector. Civil religion believes that God favors some countries over others. It teaches slogans and rituals that are meant to impute moral value to political and social behaviors.

True religion, on the other hand, is this; "to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world." (James 1.27)

Ravi Zacharias once said; "When we politicize religion we ruin politics and we ruin religion."

There is still hope for America, but it's not going to be found in a politician, policy, the military or the economy, it's going to be found in humility, repentance and voluntarily turning all the way to Jesus.